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Program babel

Namelists: Input, Dislo, DDipole, Loops,
This program creates atomistic structure files containing line defects using anisotropic elasticity with and without periodic boundary conditions. The displacement, strain, stress fields ... predicted by elasticity on each atomic positions can be printed on output. It can also calculate the elastic energy contained in the simulation box. Line defects can be infinite dislocations or dislocation dipoles, as well as dislocation loops (not fully implemented). Execution: ========= babel input.dat where input.dat is the input file If input.dat="-", the input is read from current unit (keyboard or piped other command like echo) Structure of the input file: =========================== The input file can contain the namelist Input, Dislo, DDipole, Loops. Only the namelist Input is mandatory. &Input ... // &Dislo ... // &DDipole ... // &Loops ... //

Namelist Input

Variables: anisotropic_elasticity, CVoigt, cubic_elasticity, hexagonal_elasticity, C11, C12, C44, C13, C33, CVoigt_noise, strain, eStrain, epsi, sStrain, tau, induced_homogeneous_strain, imm, duplicate, lat, rotate, rot, symmetrize, symFile, translate, uTranslate, fixGravity, xNoise, alat, xImages, yImages, zImages, nxImages, nyImages, nzImages, clipAtom, clipDisplacement, remove_cut, add_cut, max_Euler, delta_Euler, rc, factorE, inpFile, inpXyz, inpCfg, inpGin, inpSiesta, inpNDM, inpLammps, inpPoscar, nTypes, label, mass, at, displacementFile, displacementFileFactor, outFile, outXyz, outCfg, outOnlyAtoms, outGin, outSiesta, outLammps, outPoscar, initial, out_alat, out_neighbours, rNeigh, max_nNeigh, out_neighbours, out_displacement, out_elasticStrain, out_stress, out_pressure, out_VonMises, out_core, out_Ebinding, pImpurity, out_x, out_y, out_z, verbosity, debug,

Namelist Dislo

Variables: nd, bDislo, lDislo, cDislo, cutDislo,
Namelist used to define infinite straight dislocations. If dislocations of opposite Burgers vector are defined, the program will try to gather them in dipoles. This has an effect on the displacement field as its discontinuity is localized on the plane surface bordered by the two dislocations. When the total Burgers vector of the simulation box is null, the elastic energy is calculated either with or without periodic boundary conditions.

Namelist DDipole

Variables: nDDipole, bDDipole, lDDipole, c1DDipole, c2DDipole,
Namelist used to define dipoles of infinite straight dislocations. A dipole corresponds to two parallel dislocations of opposite Burgers vector. This defintion is to be preferred to the one with the namelist "Dislo" as this allows a better control of the displacement discontinuity.

Namelist Loops

Variables: nLoop, bLoop, iLoop, xLoop, cLoop, xLoop_noise,
Namelist used to define dislocation loops. Right now, only the plastic part (solid angle) of the displacement created by the loop is implemented. This allows building initial configurations containing a dislocation loop which need to be relaxed then with atomistic simulations.
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